The Best Plants For Single “Plant Ladies”

Embracing and nourishing my plant children.

Melissa Edwards
4 min readJan 1, 2022
Photo by Huy Phan from Pexels

I am very allergic to cats. So even though I like them, I would never live with them on purpose. I would never be a cat lady. Dog lady? Definitely.

In addition, I have strong caregiving tendencies. So even when I physically and spiritually clean my life up and minimize distractions, I manage to let some new “life” move into the space I just created. During the pandemic, this space started being filled with plants.

Now, I am descended from plant moms and personal gardeners, but taking care of green things was not quite my thing.

I did manage to get a pothos to grow an awesome length over two years of college, but I accidentally killed it when I left it in the car during a move. While I was moving, the state experienced freezing temperatures overnight. I was crushed and I gave up. That was three decades ago. Really.

My gateway plant: Shamrock. So, about a year before the pandemic, a good friend of mine, a friend of about three decades, decided that I needed a plant and she just brought it to my home unbidden. It was an oxalis, a shamrock plant. She wanted to downsize the one that she had and brought me the plant and a ceramic planter to go with it. I glared at her but took it begrudgingly.



Melissa Edwards

Educator. Mother. Memory keeper. Dog mom. Friend. @melissamedia #WEOC